41.   Pentagon officials said the bombing campaign has been hampered not only by a shortage of visible targets, but also by the rigidly bureaucratic military command process.

42.   Party officials would not say whether they would try to persuade the IRA military command to restore the cease-fire.

43.   President Richard Nixon had created a military command outpost at Camp David.

44.   Similarly, the EU countries envisage their own combined military command, separate from their commitment to the U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

45.   Sinn Fein has insisted that this is an unacceptable precondition, that they could not persuade the IRA military command to disarm before new talks begin.

46.   Since the U.N. military command here annoyed the Serbs by calling in a small NATO air strike last Thursday, the airport has been effectively closed.

47.   Smaller phased array antennae can be mounted on battlefield vehicles, with satellite-feed data relayed via military command jets or unmanned aerial vehicles.

48.   Tapping Clark, one of the most ambitious officers in the armed forces, would upset plans for him to take over the NATO military command next month.

49.   That was understood to be a euphemism for the military command, which maintains an unofficial veto over key security decisions here.

50.   The ATO is so secretive that the mere mention of its existence seals lips instantly across the spectrum of military command.

a. + command >>共 516
military 23.53%
russian 8.48%
joint 3.00%
southern 2.23%
new 2.08%
regional 1.72%
central 1.68%
unified 1.42%
direct 1.28%
full 1.21%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
command 0.77%
每页显示:    共 640