41.   Gore, under fire from military brass and some of his own political allies, spoke two days after his original comments during a debate in New Hampshire.

42.   Grachev is considered popular among the military brass, but not among lower-level officers and the rank and file.

43.   He was flanked by top military brass.

44.   Human rights activists have accused top military brass of ordering the abductions while Suharto was in power and have called for investigations of Prabowo and other senior officials.

45.   His claim was dismissed by both Croatian and U.N. officials but the statement underscored a more aggressive note among Croatian military brass.

46.   Human rights activists have accused top military brass of ordering the abductions and have called for investigations of Prabowo and other senior officials.

47.   In a ceremony led by top French military brass, the commanders of the installation at Albion Plateau in southeastern France handed over the keys that launch the missiles.

48.   Human rights activists have accused top military brass of ordering the abductions.

49.   In addition, the rebel military brass is still smarting from military defeat at the hands of government troops last fall.

50.   In exchange, Tudjman got U.S. support, and his defense ministry engaged a firm of recently retired U.S. military brass to train his army.

a. + brass >>共 168
military 22.58%
top 8.67%
solid 7.66%
polished 3.23%
old 2.42%
big 2.22%
large 2.02%
shiny 1.81%
antique 1.61%
navy 1.61%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
brass 0.13%
每页显示:    共 111