41.   The controversy over the Atlanta measure also comes as the major challenge of legal barriers to same sex and non-traditional unions is heading to trial in a Hawaii courtroom.

42.   The cost-cutting measures come on top of a recent curb in hiring and restrictions on employee travel.

43.   The designation allows the measure to come up for floor debate as soon as it gets out of committee.

44.   The measure may come to a Senate vote next month as part of legislation authorizing spending by the State Department.

45.   The measure comes as reports of school violence are rising.

46.   The measure comes close to the administration positions on the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, greater personnel flexibility for the IRS, and electronic filing.

47.   The measure could come to the floor as early as mid-week but might be delayed if Dole doubts that he has enough votes to prevail.

48.   The measure could come up for a vote on Tuesday.

49.   The measures come about a month after the TV industry began rating TV shows according to age-appropriateness, much like the motion picture industry rates films.

50.   The measure comes three years after California voters approved tough new penalties for juvenile criminals, including lowering the age some crimes are heard in adult court.

n. + come >>共 1444
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measure + v. >>共 748
be 22.45%
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allow 1.63%
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