41.   In their attempts to win over the high-end home buyer, manufacturers are also using Web sites and factory tours to educate consumers about the modular-building process.

42.   Indeed, manufacturers use the phrase to help market scores of products, ranging from rice cookers to heated blankets.

43.   Interest is running so high that some manufacturers are using design changes and sometimes lawsuits to keep the independent re-manufacturers at bay.

44.   Japanese factory production increased at a greater pace in February than initially announced and manufacturers are using more of their equipment, the government said.

45.   Large manufacturers are using profits to fund capital investments rather than bank loans, economists said.

46.   Lower prices for commodities like grain and metal decrease the cost of materials used by manufacturers and, ultimately, hold down costs to customers, analysts said.

47.   Manufacturers sometimes used elm or ash and finished it to look like oak, on occasion even faking the graining.

48.   Manufacturers use the same outer shell over a wide spread of sizes, changing only the soft inner liner.

49.   Manufacturers use them to build sales volume and stimulate repeat purchases, as well as attract customers to their old products and experimenters to their new ones.

50.   Manufacturers use Web-based systems to track sales and inventories.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
manufacturer 0.36%
manufacturer + v. >>共 730
be 9.07%
say 5.67%
have 5.07%
make 2.70%
use 2.40%
offer 1.63%
sell 1.33%
pay 1.28%
report 1.16%
produce 1.11%
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