41.   Yahoo also began charging fees Wednesday to people who use the site to list items for auction.

42.   Yahoo began charging fees Wednesday to people who use the site to list items for auction.

v. + item >>共 644
contain 11.56%
sell 5.31%
buy 4.28%
include 3.84%
find 2.14%
remove 1.79%
have 1.52%
take 1.46%
purchase 1.43%
return 1.41%
list 1.14%
list + n. >>共 1120
share 6.94%
name 3.91%
company 3.58%
number 2.83%
people 1.31%
stock 1.26%
address 1.23%
item 1.08%
cause 0.90%
condition 0.85%
每页显示:    共 42