41.   On Sunday, some of the ex-internees joined Japanese veterans to lay a wreath at the Japanese war memorial in Tokyo.

42.   On Saturday, he is scheduled to lay a wreath at the Pacific Fleet Combat Glory memorial, commemorating Russian victims of two wars fought against Japan this century.

43.   Parents said a group would lay a wreath at the site of the school gymnasium where Hamilton gunned down the children and their woman teacher before shooting himself dead.

44.   On Wednesday morning, Annan was to visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, where his wife Nane is to lay a wreath.

45.   Rabbis and officials were to lay wreaths on the ruins of the old Jewish cemetery, on a hillside just beyond the monument.

46.   RAF and Icelandic coast guard planes will fly past, and the British ambassador to Iceland will lay a wreath.

47.   Russian sailors will also lay a wreath at the graves of Russian sailors at the port.

48.   Scores of police surrounded the cemetery and prevented protesters from reaching a monument to Croat war victims, where they wanted to lay wreaths.

49.   She will lay a wreath at his tomb in Lany, west of Prague, and go to the capital to unveil a Masaryk statue.

50.   The Americans say he never planned to lay the wreath.

v. + wreath >>共 62
lay 49.45%
lie 14.85%
place 14.69%
drop 2.21%
hang 1.58%
send 1.58%
make 1.11%
carry 0.95%
remove 0.95%
present 0.95%
lie + n. >>共 431
groundwork 12.17%
claim 11.27%
egg 9.56%
foundation 5.98%
wreath 5.02%
blame 3.42%
hand 2.72%
face 2.72%
siege 1.92%
charge 1.33%
每页显示:    共 93