41.   Failing to prepare an environmental impact statement on the lethal removal plan and withholding the opportunity for public comment on a proposal to kill marine animals.

42.   Foot-and-mouth is a highly contagious virus akin to a bad cold in humans but it can kill young animals.

43.   Foot-and-mouth disease kills young animals and causes adult ones to lose their appetites, drop weight, give less milk and abort spontaneously.

44.   French says it is legal to trap and kill these animals on your property, but it is not legal to trap and move them.

45.   He was interviewed as he toured the city zoo, which Iraqis used as a prison during their occupation after letting loose or killing the animals.

46.   However, others were angered by news that state and federal officials were attempting to kill the animal.

47.   I suspect his heart is not in killing the animals, just calling and seeing them.

48.   Instead of killing the animal, he decides to take her back to the mountains of Mexico.

49.   Infected animals are generally killed, and their carcasses incinerated.

50.   Instead, animals are killed and burned in the field on pyres of gasoline-soaked wood, then buried there.

v. + animal >>共 669
kill 5.68%
use 2.77%
keep 2.74%
protect 2.53%
slaughter 2.33%
treat 1.89%
raise 1.75%
bring 1.72%
feed 1.49%
take 1.40%
kill + n. >>共 569
people 19.44%
soldier 6.63%
man 4.28%
civilian 3.64%
person 3.01%
policeman 2.48%
woman 1.81%
rebel 1.78%
child 1.75%
hundred 1.41%
animal 0.51%
每页显示:    共 194