41.   But if the prospect of saving money is enough to keep you awake, read on.

42.   But he also wants to make it clear that weighing his big decision does not keep him awake at night.

43.   But it should keep everyone awake.

44.   But that night, a nagging feeling kept him awake.

45.   But one day after running all over the Dallas Cowboys, he has forced the Giants into making a decision that could keep them awake at night for months.

46.   By halftime, numerous fights had broken out in the stands, probably among fans trying to keep each other awake.

47.   Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can keep you awake.

48.   Cops will drive around with lights flashing and sirens blaring, trying to keep people awake.

49.   Crystal methamphetamine kept her awake through the night, safe from attacks.

50.   Even if nerves did not threaten to keep him awake the night before the game, the music outside his window did.

v. + awake >>共 6
keep 82.08%
shake 13.87%
find 1.73%
see 1.16%
consider 0.58%
report 0.58%
keep + a. >>共 756
alive 10.07%
secret 7.59%
low 5.13%
open 4.09%
warm 3.76%
busy 3.37%
confidential 2.18%
happy 2.08%
afloat 2.04%
simple 1.97%
awake 1.68%
每页显示:    共 141