41.   Jerzy Ciemniewski of the opposition Freedom Union said he had doubts whether a one-man decision in such a big case was justified.

42.   Jelderks said he was most concerned with determining whether Babbitt had sufficient evidence under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act to justify his decision.

43.   Justifying his decision, Dos Santos said the Constitution allows him to take control of key state activities during times of war.

44.   Managers will be permitted to stray from the guidelines, but only if they justify that decision in writing.

45.   Now the European Union is trying to complete scientific work which it says will justify its decision to block the hormone-treated beef.

46.   Officials said the decision was justified at a time when others in Hong Kong are losing jobs or seeing their wages cut.

47.   That network justified that decision as an effort to boost its ratings.

48.   The report did not explain exactly how the officials justified their decision.

49.   The Supreme Court on Sunday ordered Israeli authorities to justify a decision to not prosecute two interrogators who shook a Palestinian detainee to death, Israel Radio said.

50.   TV networks point to declining ratings to justify their decisions to air fewer hours of convention coverage, but an academic analysis suggests they may be on shaky ground.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
justify 0.31%
justify + n. >>共 851
action 4.64%
decision 2.74%
mean 2.56%
price 2.22%
cost 2.08%
shooting 1.63%
use 1.53%
expense 1.42%
attack 1.32%
existence 1.25%
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