41.   The Peruvian military said the plane did not identify itself as it flew through a jungle region frequented by drug traffickers.

42.   The remote jungle region has become increasingly violent in recent months as fighting between Colombian paramilitaries, leftist rebels and drug traffickers has spilled across the border.

43.   The soldiers were patrolling the humid, low-lying jungle region, an area near the Panama border intersected by rivers.

44.   The rebels have said military overflights of the zone and controls on people entering the jungle region endangered their negotiators.

45.   The remote, jungle region is a rebel stronghold.

46.   The soldiers were patrolling the humid, low-lying jungle region near the Panama border.

47.   The state of emergency was extended in the central jungle region in the department of Junin, where the main contingent of the Tupac Amaru rebels continues to operate.

48.   The two guerrilla bands have not only bickered, but also in years past fought for control of coca-growing jungle regions.

49.   The town is in a jungle region near the border with Ecuador.

50.   This week, Shining Path rebels kidnapped four soldiers and army helicopters are flying over the jungle region in pursuit.

n. + region >>共 488
border 21.61%
mountain 4.34%
desert 3.62%
week 3.00%
afternoon 2.55%
brain 2.51%
jungle 2.46%
year 2.33%
la 1.88%
delta 1.52%
jungle + n. >>共 270
area 6.34%
region 6.23%
base 5.78%
hideout 4.30%
camp 3.51%
town 2.72%
warfare 1.93%
terrain 1.70%
border 1.59%
road 1.47%
每页显示:    共 55