41.   BLEOs will providejob referrals, establish the skills profile of the community, and monitor job placements.

42.   He later added a library, classes and recreational programs, and he also helped with job placements.

43.   Moroccan students and graduates have periodically staged protests demanding more aid for training and job placement.

44.   Officials at the jail ran out of job placements for Braun and made a mistake by sending her to the resource center, said prison superintendent Wayne Bott.

45.   Other services included basic computing and sewing classes, and job placement.

46.   The government is scrambling to set up an unemployment insurance system and job placement and retraining services to help cope with the growing numbers of people without jobs.

47.   Demobilised soldiers in China often receive preferential job placement.

48.   Rates rose in response to a Wall Street Journal story that weekly statistics on job placements last week underestimated the creation of jobs.

49.   Schroeder unveiled plans for an overhaul of the Labor Office, including privatization of job placement and a personnel shake-up, following an affair over misleading unemployment statistics.

50.   The club has a computerised data bank for job placements and provides training in banking, information technology and other marketable skills.

n. + placement >>共 109
product 27.77%
pin 13.77%
job 11.29%
share 3.61%
community 2.71%
equity 1.81%
camera 1.81%
work 1.35%
stent 1.35%
body 1.13%
job + n. >>共 366
cut 10.78%
loss 7.03%
security 6.51%
market 6.43%
growth 5.54%
creation 4.32%
offer 3.38%
training 3.04%
opportunity 2.84%
report 2.66%
placement 0.42%
每页显示:    共 50