41.   Pope John Paul II Monday issued a plea for a negotiated solution to the conflict in Chechnya, if necessary through the mediation of outside authorities.

42.   Reynolds also issued a plea for the Labour Party, which had threatened to leave the coalition government over the case, to remain in his cabinet.

43.   Representatives of the four countries late Friday issued a plea for dialogue and offered to help broker a settlement.

44.   Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali issued a plea to the rebel-led Rwandan government Friday to show magnanimity and help millions of refugees return home.

v. + plea >>共 194
enter 39.03%
make 11.36%
reject 6.50%
ignore 6.50%
change 3.16%
accept 2.52%
issue 2.02%
take 1.56%
hear 1.56%
heed 1.28%
issue + n. >>共 431
statement 19.35%
warning 6.71%
warrant 5.09%
order 4.55%
report 4.26%
ruling 2.79%
bond 2.29%
decree 1.79%
permit 1.62%
subpoena 1.60%
plea 0.26%
每页显示:    共 44