41.   Others point out that steel made from scrap tends to have more impurities than sheet made from iron ore.

42.   Prescott said there has been some improvement in iron ore and coal prices.

43.   Production of iron ore, copper and oil were also higher, Broken Hill said.

44.   RTZ mines coal and iron ore, and non-ferrous metals such as copper, gold aluminum, lead, zinc and silver.

45.   RTZ mines coal and iron ore, and non-ferrous metals such as copper, gold, aluminum, lead, zinc and silver.

46.   Rio Tinto mines most metals and minerals, including copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, iron ore, coal, gold and uranium.

47.   State-controlled CVRD wants to boost the cost of iron ore it ships to Brazilian steelmakers, Gazeta Mercantil newspaper reported.

48.   Steel is also relatively inexpensive thanks to the abundance of iron ore in many parts of the world.

49.   Sweden provided iron ore, also used to make weapons, and Turkey sold Germany chromium, essential for building tanks and planes.

50.   The Brazilian government restricted how much CVRD stock large competitors and purchasers of iron ore can buy.

n. + ore >>共 23
iron 67.84%
uranium 5.53%
grade 5.03%
bauxite 4.02%
vermiculite 3.52%
nickel 3.02%
manganese 1.51%
chrome 1.01%
pit 1.01%
process 1.01%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
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