41.   Instability in Asia tends to hurt Latin American nations because investors often put their money in perceived safer havens, such as U.S. Treasuries.

42.   ING-Baring, an investment firm, today suggested that investors in Latin America put a touch more of their money in Mexico.

43.   Instead, many investors are putting their money into mortgage bonds and other securities that have higher yields than government bonds.

44.   Investors are putting their money on stocks that typically perform well during the recovery phase of a market cycle despite the increasingly gloomy outlook for technology earnings.

45.   Investors were putting proceeds from their redemptions into alternative investments, including stocks.

46.   Instead, many investors are putting their money into mortgage bonds and other securities that pay out higher yields than government bonds.

47.   Investors also put more money into bond funds.

48.   Investors put less money in stock funds in December, most fund companies reported.

49.   Investors gladly put a dismal third-quarter performance behind them and started looking forward to the next round of profit reports they hope will rally the stock market.

50.   Investors have been putting weight in the relationship between transportation and industrial stocks for almost a century.

n. + put >>共 2049
government 2.36%
company 2.09%
official 1.52%
victory 1.49%
people 1.47%
investor 1.25%
report 1.12%
police 0.98%
authority 0.91%
move 0.80%
investor + v. >>共 530
be 12.97%
say 4.19%
buy 3.15%
have 2.89%
take 2.68%
sell 2.33%
expect 2.15%
remain 1.97%
continue 1.72%
bet 1.58%
put 0.38%
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