41.   Many investors borrow money at the lower overnight rate to fund their bond purchases.

42.   Many investors borrowed bank shares and sold them on expectations they would decline as a result of the bad-loan problems hobbling financial institutions.

43.   Like any stock, an investor can borrow up to half the purchase price through a broker.

44.   Low interest rates are good for bonds because they make it cheaper for investors to borrow funds in the money market and invest in bonds.

45.   Low official interest rates are good for bonds because many investors borrow at shorter maturities to fund their bond investments.

46.   Low overnight interest rates are good for bonds because many investors borrow at shorter maturities to fund their bond investments.

47.   Low rates are good for bonds because many institutional investors borrow at shorter maturities to fund their bond purchases.

48.   Low short-term rates are good for bonds because many investors borrow at shorter maturities to fund their bond investments.

49.   Lower interest rates lift bonds by making it cheaper for investors to borrow in the money market and invest in the bond market.

50.   Margin debt is money investors borrow to buy stocks.

n. + borrow >>共 287
company 24.43%
bank 7.39%
investor 7.22%
government 5.71%
business 2.94%
consumer 2.85%
trader 2.27%
people 2.18%
seller 1.60%
firm 1.51%
investor + v. >>共 530
be 12.97%
say 4.19%
buy 3.15%
have 2.89%
take 2.68%
sell 2.33%
expect 2.15%
remain 1.97%
continue 1.72%
bet 1.58%
borrow 0.27%
每页显示:    共 85