41.   Not everyone believes the pool of investment capital in Singapore has created a watertight floor.

42.   Or, you signed on with one of a handful of Internet companies who had scrounged up enough investment capital to go nationwide.

43.   Other developing countries in the region are attracting investment capital as well, though at nowhere near the volumes or the levels of increase being registered in China.

44.   Private pension funds and mutual funds, which provide huge pools of investment capital in the United States and Britain, have barely gotten off the ground here.

45.   Rather, they punish countries for war-making by withholding any investment capital for them to grow.

46.   Safra certainly has the contacts to develop raise more investment capital.

47.   Should the United States follow the Japanese and let a government ministry pick the winners who will be favored with investment capital?

48.   Since making all this carefully calculated peace, the generals have welcomed investment capital from ethnic minority groups that specialize in the sale of heroin and amphetamines.

49.   Some Federal Reserve officials and Wall Street economists worry that the United States depends heavily on Japan for investment capital.

50.   Such funds would become a source of fresh investment capital for companies.

n. + capital >>共 387
summer 14.57%
investment 7.86%
world 6.01%
winter 4.73%
share 4.41%
rebel 3.45%
seaside 3.13%
equity 2.88%
year 1.92%
week 1.92%
investment + n. >>共 468
bank 10.06%
banker 8.26%
firm 5.00%
fund 4.79%
banking 2.98%
company 2.84%
trust 2.82%
opportunity 2.45%
scheme 2.40%
adviser 2.09%
capital 0.81%
每页显示:    共 122