41.   After investigating the incident with authorities, Greyhound later resumed their normal service.

42.   After investigating the incident, the Justice Department and the states agreed with Barksdale that Microsoft was illegally tying the sale of one product to another.

43.   After the accident, a group of city officials was convened to investigate the incident.

44.   All three men are being held in jail by Fayetteville police, who are still investigating the incident.

45.   Boutros-Ghali said he would send his chief military adviser, Maj. Gen. Frank van Kappen of the Netherlands, to investigate the incident.

46.   Bradley Mitchell, a spokesman for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, said officials were investigating the incident to determine if any safety procedures had been violated.

47.   Brian Earley, the tournament referee, said the International Tennis Federation was investigating the incident.

48.   Brown called upon the NAACP and the Rev. Jesse Jackson to investigate the incident.

49.   But the police said no bias complaint had been filed and that they were not investigating the incident as bias-related.

50.   But the Southampton police said they investigated the incident involving Ms. Shedrick and concluded that only two teen-age boys were involved in the dispute.

v. + incident >>共 378
report 18.70%
investigate 15.91%
follow 5.93%
confirm 3.42%
discuss 3.10%
prevent 2.09%
describe 1.82%
see 1.68%
witness 1.58%
relate 1.54%
investigate + n. >>共 593
case 6.99%
allegation 6.81%
incident 6.30%
cause 4.60%
report 4.18%
complaint 2.67%
claim 2.42%
death 2.36%
accident 2.25%
charge 2.22%
每页显示:    共 772