41.   Both industry regulators and the Superintendencia de Valores, the local securities and exchange commission, say they are investigating the allegations.

42.   Both men were investigating allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the privatization of two banks that went bankrupt after they were sold.

43.   Both the North Carolina Bureau of Investigation and the FBI are investigating those allegations, which Brubaker vigorously denies.

44.   A federal grand jury is investigating allegations of an agreement whereby the Democrats would direct funds to the re-election effort of union President Ron Carey.

45.   A court-appointed special counsel is investigating allegations Espy illegally accepted gifts and travel expenses from agribusiness companies regulated by his department.

46.   A federal grand jury spent more than a year investigating allegations that Schumer, as a member of the state Assembly, used state employees on his congressional campaign.

47.   A four-member subcommittee of the panel has investigated the allegations to this point.

48.   A whistle-blower had filed suit against Bayer and other drug manufacturers under the False Claims Act, and the federal government was investigating the allegations.

49.   According to Gazeta, Brazilian authorities plan to ask the Commodities Futures Trading Commission of the U.S. to investigate the allegations of market manipulation.

50.   Advocates for victims of clergy sexual abuse say there is still a reluctance on the part of some dioceses in the United States to agressively investigate allegations.

v. + allegation >>共 359
deny 39.26%
investigate 11.10%
make 4.88%
dismiss 3.41%
reject 3.23%
follow 1.93%
face 1.68%
support 1.46%
include 1.44%
discuss 1.20%
investigate + n. >>共 593
case 6.99%
allegation 6.81%
incident 6.30%
cause 4.60%
report 4.18%
complaint 2.67%
claim 2.42%
death 2.36%
accident 2.25%
charge 2.22%
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