41.   The Vietnamese installed a government of Khmer Rouge defectors who became the CPP, ruling Cambodia as a traditional communist state.

42.   There are fears that Afghanistan could plunge into another round of civil war if an interim broad-based government is not installed soon.

43.   They have demanded that el-Bashir leave office and that a caretaker government be installed to oversee a free and fair election.

44.   Tutsi rebels seized Kigali and have installed a government.

45.   Western nations refused to give aid because the government had been installed by a Vietnamese invasion.

46.   He said the force could also be put into one or two other cities after the new government is installed.

47.   Instead clashes have intensified since the new power-sharing government was installed.

48.   A.R. Kamal, director of the Pakistan Institute of Development, said it was no coincidence the agreement comes just months after a new government was installed in Kabul.

49.   After the elections Balladur was replaced by Juppe and a new government was installed, with ministerial posts allocated with an eye on rewarding campaign support.

50.   An interim six-member government was installed by the Islamic movement after it took over Kabul on Friday.

v. + government >>共 708
accuse 10.94%
criticize 3.91%
overthrow 3.61%
say 2.62%
topple 2.48%
join 1.86%
support 1.60%
blame 1.59%
form 1.59%
fight 1.53%
install 0.37%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
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program 2.04%
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