41.   As the inspectors returned, the United States continued its military buildup in the Gulf.

42.   Baghdad relented on Thursday after Russian mediation, and all inspectors returned on Friday.

43.   But Baghdad relented on Thursday following Russian mediation, and all inspectors returned on Friday.

44.   But he said this demands that the international community find a way to get Iraq to comply with Security Council allow weapons inspectors to return.

45.   But it produced no sign Iraq would allow weapons inspectors to return.

46.   But since the airstrikes, Iraq has repeatedly said it will never let the inspectors return.

47.   But since the airstrikes, Iraq has repeatedly said it will never allow the inspectors to return.

48.   But the Security Council has said U.N. weapons inspectors must return to Iraq to start verifying its weapons are gone before they would consider suspending the trade embargo.

49.   Butler says weapons inspectors will return to Iraq.

50.   Clinton, in announcing an end to the attacks, said he hoped U.N. arms inspectors could return to Baghdad with full Iraqi cooperation.

n. + return >>共 1046
official 2.73%
refugee 2.62%
plane 2.19%
soldier 1.78%
troop 1.65%
team 1.54%
police 1.53%
people 1.39%
worker 1.35%
man 1.23%
inspector 0.89%
inspector + v. >>共 490
say 8.96%
be 8.73%
certify 5.73%
find 5.45%
have 3.56%
return 3.28%
visit 2.42%
leave 2.14%
accuse 1.42%
verify 1.39%
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