41.   Furthermore, those companies usually lack the other means that industrial giants have for raising money, such as obtaining low-cost loans from affiliated banks.

42.   He described the relationship as additionally beneficial because it provides Indonesia with more options than relying solely on the traditional industrial giants.

43.   However, what happened in those two countries proved that overproduction could easily topple such industrial giants once market demand shrank.

44.   Industrial giants Fried.

45.   Industrial giants have polluted large areas.

46.   It is still an industrial giant, and its economy appears to be edging out of a long slowdown.

47.   Manager Magazin cited Schrempp as its manager of the year in the November issue for pulling off the megamerger of the German industrial giant with the U.S. automaker Chrysler.

48.   Prime Minister John Howard said two German industrial giants, Siemens and Thyssen, were bidding to work on a high-speed rail service between Sydney and Canberra.

49.   Rizzoli is part of the Agnelli family empire, which includes the Fiat industrial giant.

50.   Siemens, a multinational industrial giant, was accused of profiting from slave labor provided by the Nazi regime.

a. + giant >>共 454
corporate 5.90%
industrial 4.69%
pharmaceutical 3.97%
aerospace 3.31%
sleeping 2.81%
german 2.48%
italian 2.37%
financial 2.15%
the 2.15%
asian 2.09%
industrial + n. >>共 542
production 9.24%
average 3.72%
nation 3.40%
output 2.72%
country 2.41%
company 2.27%
area 2.04%
city 2.01%
sector 1.97%
zone 1.90%
giant 0.74%
每页显示:    共 85