41.   But while she is convinced that insurance rates should be increased for sport utilities, Mrs. Mange said, she had not contacted any insurers or regulators about it.

42.   But they warn that forcing Serbs to accept memorials now will not work, and could increase support for nationalists.

43.   Butler said risks -- which translated into a higher cost of capital -- were increasing for British Telecom.

44.   Butler said risks -- which translated into higher capital costs -- were increasing for British Telecom.

45.   Calls increased for the government to sell Banco do Brasil after it reported the record loss, though political constraints would hinder such a sale, Sanchez said.

46.   Carota said paper prices will probably continue to increase for about the next two years.

47.   By waiving or absorbing certain fees, funds can at least temporarily increase returns for investors and gain an edge over their competitors.

48.   Circulation has increased for the last three years.

49.   Citing that guarantee, nursing homes have successfully sued many states, forcing them to increase payments for Medicaid patients.

50.   Compensation would increase for longer waits.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
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increase + p. >>共 74
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with 6.06%
for 5.94%
at 5.79%
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over 4.32%
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by 3.55%
during 3.26%
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