41.   Public Advocate Mark Green followed suit, doffing his coat to make his inaugural speech.

42.   Still, Barak gave an impassioned inaugural speech, in which he re-inspired many with his pledge to march full speed ahead toward forging a broad regional peace.

43.   That much was obvious as Simmons gave an inaugural speech to a Brown audience gathered in Sayles Hall, a former campus chapel.

44.   The centerpiece of the day is the inaugural speech.

45.   The governor had said that his inaugural speech would be short on legislative specifics and dwell, instead, on his vision for the state.

46.   The new lieutenant governor drew on some old words for his inaugural speech.

47.   The recession strained state finances and forced Wilson to scale back many of the ambitious programs he laid out in his inaugural speech.

48.   The recurring gist of his inaugural speech was a plea for civility over bickering.

49.   The strategy is also intended to smoke out Bush, whose inaugural speeches this week have been broadly thematic.

50.   Tuesday, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, who led the U.S. delegation here, cautiously praised the inaugural speech.

a. + speech >>共 1037
televised 3.97%
political 3.84%
recent 2.99%
public 2.76%
major 2.53%
first 2.42%
brief 2.28%
union 2.07%
opening 2.01%
inaugural 2.01%
inaugural + n. >>共 274
address 10.79%
speech 7.04%
season 6.68%
session 5.50%
meeting 5.28%
ball 4.84%
ceremony 3.96%
event 3.30%
parade 3.15%
committee 2.86%
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