41.   The French were happy because they won what they felt were important concessions in allowing European countries a bigger role in their own security.

42.   Those moves by Daschle followed important concessions by President George W. Bush on unemployment benefits and health insurance aid sought by Democrats.

43.   While averting bloodshed, the accord drew sharp criticism in Congress that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had won important concessions from the United Nations that would strengthen his hand.

44.   With wage negotiations commencing with key unions, traders feared the unions would win important concessions that ultimately would fuel inflation, Rothfield said.

45.   Hogg also made an important concession by announcing that the measures would be applied regardless of progress towards easing the ban.

46.   The Polish government already made important concessions last month by accepting a compromise over another key issue, the sale of land to foreigners.

47.   Transport workers have been trickling back to work after Prime Minister Alain Juppe made important concessions to railway workers hit by his plan to cut social welfare spending.

48.   It was an important concession from the US president, but the Central American leaders did not obtain such a concrete statement on trade.

49.   Less ambitious than Republican proposals, which envisage eliminating the deficit in seven years, the Clinton plan contains some concessions important to a Democratic president.

50.   Pessimists fear that initially Erbakan will give important concessions to Ciller, while preparing the ground for a more convincing election win.

a. + concession >>共 459
major 8.16%
territorial 7.23%
further 5.10%
new 3.57%
significant 3.24%
political 2.73%
israeli 2.36%
important 2.32%
key 2.22%
only 2.09%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
concession 0.21%
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