41.   Boisselier, in June, accepted an agreement with the FDA promising not to do human cloning experiments without agency approval.

42.   Dozens of human experiments have been conducted in the past decade, but there has been no clear-cut success.

43.   Even if those studies go smoothly, Sweeney said, it will be at least two years before the gene therapy is ready for human experiments.

44.   Human cloning experiments are banned by law in Britain.

45.   In Cyprus, which Zavos visited last week, Attorney-General Alecos Markides dispelled the notion that his country might become involved in human cloning experiments.

46.   It was the first of a dozen similar human experiments approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

47.   It was implanted by Drs. Laman Gray and Robert Dowling, one of a handful of surgical teams across the country trained to use the device in human experiments.

48.   Leboulch said more study was needed and that it would be at least two years before the technique would be ready for human experiments.

49.   Once human experiments start, Desrosiers estimates it will take another decade to prove the vaccine safe and effective.

50.   Some lawmakers in Congress have proposed a total ban on that practice and on any human cloning experiments or funding.

a. + experiment >>共 659
scientific 6.20%
medical 5.29%
animal 2.95%
human 2.64%
similar 2.47%
new 2.25%
cloning 2.12%
first 1.99%
recent 1.78%
grand 1.17%
human + n. >>共 1015
life 3.11%
body 2.93%
remains 2.45%
shield 2.19%
embryo 2.17%
error 2.08%
genome 1.88%
cell 1.46%
brain 1.33%
resource 1.33%
experiment 0.31%
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