41.   History buffs can take a guided tour through the sprawling complex and learn about the various revolutions and upheavals centered on the castle.

42.   History buffs will enjoy the sprawling family tree the NOMA has delineated, which seems to connect Degas with almost every other Creole family in New Orleans.

43.   History buffs can find evidence on all sides.

44.   History buffs know about these stories, but the general public knows nothing.

45.   History buffs like to think of battles and wartime as the march of tokens across a blocked-off map.

46.   History buffs with a weakness for royal trivia will fare better.

47.   History buff Jerry Matters ordered a book on the Berlin airlift from Amazon.com.

48.   History buffs will love this comprehensive follow-through-the-ages recounting of the ancient legend.

49.   However, it should be said that the scenery en route was unremarkable and that history buffs were the most enthusiastic.

50.   If, as a history buff, you buy one, you are a pig.

n. + buff >>共 137
history 16.58%
film 10.43%
movie 5.64%
computer 4.96%
opera 4.62%
fitness 4.44%
conspiracy 4.27%
train 2.22%
theater 2.22%
music 2.05%
history + n. >>共 261
book 24.31%
professor 10.62%
lesson 10.41%
teacher 6.67%
buff 4.97%
class 3.95%
museum 2.92%
department 2.05%
textbook 1.95%
course 1.59%
每页显示:    共 97