41.   Hill said the tragic incident highlighted the dangers faced by Australian forces operating with US-led forces in Afghanistan.

42.   It was an opportunist crime that highlights the dangers that exist with a breakdown of law and order and the ineffectiveness of the Solomon Islands.

43.   A spokesman for the HVO highlighted the danger posed by the RRF presence in the area.

44.   But Ranieri also highlighted the danger in losing talented players.

45.   The weak output figures highlighted the dangers of a sharp rise in interest rates, he said.

46.   It highlights the danger of a return to power by neo-communists in Poland after their ascension in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Lithuania.

47.   National anti-drug officials said Sunday they would send a team of motivational speakers to highlight the dangers of the drug to parents and teenegers.

48.   Press reports are already highlighting the dangers of a glut following the opening of the rice market to foreign imports.

49.   President Suharto has often highlighted the dangers of unrest and called for restraint.

50.   The Japanese press was unanimous in highlighting the dangers that unstable administration in both Tokyo and Washington will pose to bilateral ties.

v. + danger >>共 308
pose 17.66%
face 5.96%
see 4.09%
increase 2.55%
reduce 2.47%
present 2.34%
avoid 2.26%
know 2.17%
highlight 2.13%
recognize 1.91%
highlight + n. >>共 809
problem 4.69%
need 4.34%
difference 3.55%
issue 2.93%
concern 2.27%
importance 2.03%
danger 1.95%
plight 1.80%
fact 1.56%
difficulty 1.45%
每页显示:    共 50