41.   Shahak was reportedly willing to let Mordechai head the group, and thereby be the candidate for prime minister, if he had the better chance of beating Netanyahu.

42.   Some linked the dispute to the arrest of the media baron Vladimir Gusinsky, who heads the group that supports Shayevich.

43.   Spitz, by the way, heads a group calling itself Pro-Life Virginia.

44.   Still more skeptical of the theory of self-organized criticality is Dr. Sidney Nagel, who heads a group of physicists at the University of Chicago studying granular materials.

45.   Supervising the research will be Dr. Donald Kufe, who heads a group at the Dana-Farber that tests new cancer agents.

46.   The conservative lobbying group is headed by Lori Cole, a native Georgian.

47.   The equities group will be headed by Jonathan Beatson-Hird, who left ING Barings last month.

48.   The group is headed by anti-American Islamic militant Osama bin Laden, who is based in Afghanistan and has issued a call for attacks against Americans during the holidays.

49.   The group is headed by Chuck Lillis, president and chief executive officer.

50.   The group is headed by George Gorton, a longtime Republican consultant with close ties to former Gov. Pete Wilson of California.

v. + group >>共 783
join 4.60%
lead 4.13%
say 1.88%
accuse 1.53%
support 1.50%
include 1.48%
head 1.43%
represent 1.20%
have 1.17%
take 1.15%
head + n. >>共 952
delegation 4.54%
team 3.62%
ball 3.35%
group 3.15%
committee 2.91%
list 2.83%
coach 2.24%
investigation 2.04%
commission 1.99%
company 1.91%
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