41.   My lawyer suspects that the detective who spoke of wanting to guarantee my safety wanted an easy way of getting me to the police station.

42.   NATO also warns that it will not guarantee the safety of any Serbian units that do try to retreat unless President Slobodan Milosevic agreed to remove all his troops.

43.   No one can guarantee my safety in the street.

44.   Officials close to the talks said Pastrana was also irritated that the rebels would not accept his word guaranteeing their safety.

45.   Now, just a week later, Khan says he can no longer guarantee the safety of anyone traveling south towards Kandahar.

46.   Now we have no army and no police and no guards, and who will guarantee my safety?

47.   Only thorough cooking can guarantee its safety.

48.   Prime Minister Tony Blair said the deal signaled that efforts to guarantee meat safety are paying off.

49.   Rwanda has also complained that Kabila has not guaranteed the safety of the ethnic Tutsi living in eastern Congo.

50.   Sen. Larry E. Craig, R-Idaho, said a visitors center was worth considering, but he added it could never guarantee safety.

v. + safety >>共 366
improve 10.63%
guarantee 10.34%
ensure 10.24%
seek 4.32%
reach 2.46%
threaten 2.43%
jeopardize 2.02%
play 1.95%
endanger 1.76%
assure 1.73%
guarantee + n. >>共 724
safety 9.06%
security 5.89%
right 4.91%
freedom 3.31%
success 2.78%
access 2.75%
loan 2.64%
payment 1.91%
job 1.77%
victory 1.57%
每页显示:    共 321