41.   The Israeli relief group did not send a representative to the meeting.

42.   The lawsuit follows a notice the Trump group sent in December to Empire State Building Associates, spelling out the violations.

43.   The Luxembourg group sent copies of the report to prominent social researchers last week and will make it more broadly available in the coming days.

44.   The powerful trade group sent letters to Internet service providers notifying them of customers who are making films available illegally through the Gnutella file-sharing network.

45.   The reason the conservationist groups sent the letter to Norton, according to Wood, is they want a seat at the table.

46.   Their voices were worn, but the tunes were durable, and the light, limber backup group sent a good part of the audience into shimmying motion.

47.   There is no evidence that the voter group sent any money to the teamsters, according to several lawyers familiar with the group.

48.   They include white-collar suspects like Toledo, and, earlier this year, a group of convicts sent here from the prison in El Dorado.

49.   This group would send its findings both to the country concerned and to the Group of Seven finance ministers.

50.   This summer his group will send teams across the peninsula to gather mammoth remains from local residents who have agreed to collect them.

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people 1.14%
country 1.12%
group + v. >>共 723
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