41.   This is for me the greatest achievement we have had together.

42.   They were African-American women of remarkable accomplishment for their times, but their outlook on life was their greatest achievement.

43.   To have put it on the stage may well have been the greatest achievement of Lugne-Poe as an actor-manager.

44.   WASHINGTON --Pressing his knuckles to his eyes, former Sen. William Proxmire struggles to remember his greatest achievements as a senator.

45.   What is his greatest achievement?

46.   What is your greatest achievement?

47.   What Rice has done this season could be considered one of the greatest achievements in sports.

48.   Yet he counted his greatest achievements as the things he stopped from happening by exercising his veto power.

49.   Yet he still considers that moment on the Delta Tau Delta bench among his greatest achievements in sports.

50.   Among his greatest achievements, he said, were abolishing the death penalty, defending oppressed Third World peoples and promoting European unity.

a. + achievement >>共 478
academic 6.09%
remarkable 3.32%
greatest 2.95%
major 2.86%
great 2.72%
crowning 2.31%
outstanding 2.12%
individual 1.98%
educational 1.71%
high 1.48%
greatest + n. >>共 1343
threat 3.58%
challenge 2.89%
risk 2.75%
player 2.53%
number 2.01%
concern 1.55%
danger 1.30%
impact 1.24%
need 1.11%
success 1.08%
achievement 1.00%
每页显示:    共 64