41.   So Marks wrote his own poems, substituting passages from them for those in the great English works.

42.   Some artists lead ordinary lives and, by spark of genius, create great works.

43.   Taken as whole, the sale offered almost no great works and therefore it made few great prices.

44.   That is what keeps great works of art alive.

45.   The fact of life is that jumping and spinning win championships and places in the Winter Games, and showmanship works great on the tour.

46.   The frequent-flier mileage rapidly racks up when curators begin wooing great works from other institutions.

47.   The great works of any art form are supposed to reveal its potential.

48.   The setting for this meditation on the great works of Western civilization was not Oxford or Harvard or even the University of Chicago.

49.   There are great works displayed on the canvas of my soul.

50.   Today, critics celebrate the marketing smarts behind the Modern Library list but confess that they cannot be bothered to read the great works anymore.

a. + works >>共 953
new 6.05%
good 5.49%
great 1.95%
literary 1.82%
major 1.65%
contemporary 1.46%
early 1.39%
original 1.32%
the 1.29%
charitable 1.12%
great + n. >>共 1378
player 1.79%
job 1.29%
thing 1.15%
team 1.14%
success 1.10%
deal 1.03%
length 0.98%
time 0.93%
game 0.75%
opportunity 0.75%
works 0.15%
每页显示:    共 59