41.   Proponents of the change said it would help curb grade inflation and even the playing field for students who have limited access to AP courses.

42.   Scholastic Aptitude Test scores tumbled while grade inflation and social promotions soared.

43.   Speaking about the new admissions standards for public college students, Silber said grade inflation and exceptions to the policies had made them virtually meaningless.

44.   Talk about grade inflation.

45.   The exams also counter tendencies toward grade inflation that otherwise occur when teachers have no anchor for their grading standards.

46.   The GI Bill of Rights had professors widely fretting about grade inflation for the first time.

47.   The Harvard faculty studied the problem of grade inflation four years ago, and came up with some possible solutions but took no action on them.

48.   The report also shows evidence of grade inflation in schools.

49.   The policy change, along with an overhauled grading scale that was also approved, aim to reduce grade inflation.

50.   This is a response to nationwide concerns about grade inflation.

n. + inflation >>共 182
price 15.52%
consumer 10.83%
grade 7.46%
wage 5.54%
fuel 3.85%
year 3.13%
core 2.17%
retail 1.93%
concern 1.68%
optimism 1.68%
grade + n. >>共 187
level 26.84%
inflation 9.30%
rating 2.85%
class 2.40%
student 2.25%
dysplasia 2.25%
teacher 2.10%
rice 1.95%
lymphoma 1.65%
schooler 1.65%
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