41.   A genetic analysis of the new virus showed that it was an exact match of the WSN flu virus, he said.

42.   Based on genetic analysis of the isolated cases in Connecticut, the virus originated from the Middle East or Mediterranean area, most likely Israel, Andreadis said.

43.   Cotton gave the testimony after describing in intricate detail the theories and techniques of forensic uses of genetic analysis.

44.   Genetic analysis confirmed the technician was the source of the virus.

45.   Genetic analysis of the five known whale specimens indicates they represent a species distinct from their southern Pacific cousins, despite their similar appearance.

46.   Her team was able to perform various kinds of genetic analysis that were unavailable when the chimp died.

47.   He was released from prison in July when genetic analysis identified the real rapist as a Florida ex-con.

48.   In another report in the journal, Dr. Takehiko Sasazuki of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, reported a way of fine-tuning donor matching using genetic analysis.

49.   In an accompanying Nature commentary, Anton Berns of the Netherlands Cancer Institute agreed patients should someday benefit by genetic analysis.

50.   Meanwhile, the number of inmates asking for genetic analysis grows.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
genetic + n. >>共 576
material 7.88%
test 4.66%
information 4.23%
mutation 3.34%
defect 3.01%
research 2.98%
disease 2.83%
disorder 2.12%
makeup 1.96%
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