41.   The French doctors who treated Ronaldo on Sunday were quoted in O Globo newspaper as saying that they did not believe Ronaldo was suffering from epilepsy.

42.   The exhibit will also feature seminars by visiting French doctors.

43.   The French doctors hope to repeat the experiment on eight more patients over the next year.

44.   The strike by French doctors started Friday evening and was called to last until Wednesday morning.

45.   The two French doctors flew from Paris to Jordan on Sunday en route to Baghdad, according to the sources, who spoke from Amman on condition of anonymity.

46.   The two French doctors flew from Paris to Jordan Sunday en route to Baghdad, according to sources in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

47.   Though English and American hospitals already had created and were using a safer, synthetic version of the hormone, French doctors continued to use extracted hormones.

48.   With a French doctor treating Sabile for diabetes and pleading her case, the family unit may be declared an exception.

49.   Five French doctors and three police officers were injured Thursday when a demonstration in support of higher medical consultation fees degenerated into violence in the southwestern town of Bayonne.

50.   France however did not object to the French doctors travelling to Iraq to care for Uday.

a. + doctor >>共 894
medical 4.30%
local 3.55%
young 2.53%
military 2.28%
palestinian 2.18%
american 1.99%
new 1.83%
private 1.78%
good 1.78%
foreign 1.70%
french 1.43%
french + n. >>共 1008
government 4.33%
official 2.71%
troop 2.03%
authority 2.02%
franc 1.87%
company 1.85%
soldier 1.54%
police 1.38%
team 1.37%
peacekeeper 1.10%
doctor 0.19%
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