41.   But Salman, who does not often meet foreign journalists, raised the issue at the start of an interview Thursday.

42.   But they allowed a large group of foreign journalists to ride on Cuban coast guard vessels patrolling Cuban territorial waters in the increasingly rough seas north of the capital.

43.   But we foreign journalists go back and forth between that one truth on the Israeli side and that one truth on the Palestinian side, wearing our bulletproof vests.

44.   But there are foreign journalists based in Pristina, nearly all of them Greek.

45.   But, the reformers are glad to have foreign journalists around.

46.   Dan Reeves won me over this week when a foreign journalist asked the coach to comment on his kicker, Morten Andersen.

47.   Despite the calls of some clerics for violence against Americans, most in the Islamabad crowds treated foreign journalists with respect.

48.   Dozens of foreign journalists traveled to the resort city of Cancun, Mexico, to cover the storm.

49.   Diyarbakir and the rest of southeastern Turkey have been closed to foreign journalists.

50.   Even Sunday, a nun who spotted two Albanians accompanying foreign journalists was far from welcoming.

a. + journalist >>共 836
foreign 13.78%
local 4.14%
russian 3.00%
american 2.99%
western 2.38%
former 2.12%
independent 2.03%
british 1.88%
the 1.79%
palestinian 1.71%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
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