41.   Kinshasa set a deadline of the end of the year for voluntary repatriations to be organised or threatened to restart its forced expulsions.

42.   Rwanda hopes that Hutu refugees in Zaire will continue to return, but cannot condone forced expulsions, Information Minister Jean-Baptiste Nkuliyingoma told AFP Thursday.

43.   Summary executions were reported in areas other than Srebrenica, such as Sanski Most and Potocari, and forced expulsions were also documented in the Banja Luka area.

44.   The early stages of the war were marked by the forced expulsion of non-Serbs from areas held by Bosnian Serb authorities.

a. + expulsion >>共 112
mass 12.74%
forced 11.92%
possible 9.49%
immediate 5.69%
reported 2.44%
latest 2.17%
automatic 1.90%
forcible 1.90%
further 1.63%
formal 1.63%
forced + n. >>共 441
labor 16.39%
repatriation 7.53%
entry 5.71%
laborer 3.42%
abortion 2.51%
fumble 2.46%
resignation 2.37%
labour 2.19%
expulsion 2.01%
prostitution 1.83%
每页显示:    共 44