41.   Even before the Internet, computerization began allowing companies to replace fixed prices with prices based on a computerized assessment of supply, demand and type of customer.

42.   Ever since the railroad and the Montgomery Ward catalog extended the reach of big businesses from coast to coast, companies have largely sold their products at fixed prices.

43.   Enron plans to offer a variety of pricing packages, including fixed prices for several years for senior citizens on fixed incomes.

44.   Farmers sell their produce to the government at a fixed price, and the state then sells it on the world market for about three times that price.

45.   Futures are an agreement to sell or buy a specified amount of a currency at a fixed price at some future date.

46.   Gas can be purchased at fixed prices to be delivered during the heating season.

47.   Gold companies typically attempt to reduce their exposure to falling bullion prices by selling production for delivery at a future date and at a fixed price.

48.   His items bear a fixed price, and are available for purchase through the Internet-payment service PayPal.

49.   HMO annual revenue growth is limited because HMOs charge a fixed price to provide health-care coverage for one year, usually beginning in January.

50.   In France you can buy the annals of Tintin and Yakari only at fixed prices under a law designed to promote belles lettres.

a. + price >>共 506
stock 18.62%
higher 8.77%
lower 6.54%
high 5.26%
low 3.29%
gold 2.24%
rising 2.12%
wholesale 1.77%
falling 1.76%
copper 1.10%
fixed 0.42%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
每页显示:    共 140