41.   The new findings indicate that a premenstrual worsening of asthma may be more common than previously thought, she added.

42.   These findings indicate that, when young, individuals develop intuitive theories that are very powerful and difficult to eradicate.

43.   While those findings indicate that white abalone are not yet extinct, the end could come fairly soon.

44.   Yet the findings indicate that most gays and lesbians injured by a lover never report the abuse, much less see their batterers brought to justice.

45.   Police officials said their initial findings indicate that the shots were fired from Kosovo, a Yugoslav province.

46.   Preliminary findings indicated that at least two out of the five were contaminated.

47.   Air France spokeswoman Veronique Brachet said preliminary findings indicated the smoke came from a transformer and did not pose a risk of fire.

48.   But at lower doses it may have therapeutic value, the new findings indicate.

49.   Deputy Health Minister Aleksander Nauman said Friday that preliminary findings indicate misuse or overuse of the drug.

50.   Donald Blackman, a CDC medical epidemiologist, said the findings indicate that health officials need to do more to encourage women to come back for repeat screenings.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
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official 5.80%
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finding + v. >>共 359
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