41.   Last Tuesday, Dyakov launched a failed attempt to fire Brevnov, alleging financial wrongdoing.

42.   Last month, a former central bank chief, Tamara Vinnikova, went missing while under house arrest on charges of unspecified financial wrongdoing.

43.   Last week, Strauss-Kahn was cleared of allegations of financial wrongdoing in a broader scandal involving former state-run oil giant Elf Aquitaine.

44.   More than a half-dozen chief executives of major French corporations have been indicted over the past year, mostly in cases of alleged financial wrongdoing.

45.   Military leader Gen. Sani Abacha recently announced investigations in financial wrongdoing would be extended to officials who head state-run enterprises.

46.   No financial wrongdoing was discovered.

47.   One of the Vietnamese partners, Austinh Ltd., accused Westralian Sands Ltd., its foreign counterpart, of financial wrongdoing.

48.   One monk was reprimanded and forced to sell his collection of Mercedes Benz cars and others have been convicted of rape, murder and financial wrongdoing.

49.   President Nelson Mandela has asked the man he named ambassador to the United Nations to withdraw amid a storm over alleged financial wrongdoing, sources said Tuesday.

50.   Several aides of the former Yugoslav president and his once powerful wife have been arrested on charges of financial wrongdoing since Milosevic was ousted last October.

a. + wrongdoing >>共 95
criminal 25.04%
alleged 16.85%
financial 11.81%
possible 5.98%
serious 2.52%
admitting 2.52%
potential 2.36%
official 2.36%
corporate 1.89%
intentional 1.73%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
wrongdoing 0.14%
每页显示:    共 75