41.   The charge was outlined in a federal information paper, a document often filed before a plea agreement.

42.   The firm asked the High Court to issue a TRO, pending resolution of a suit it filed before the Olongapo City Regional Trial Court.

43.   The judge rejected the suit, saying that under Russian law it had to be filed before the criminal trial began, Astakhov said.

44.   The problem could be whether the documents filed before the deadline included all the proper information.

45.   The suit was filed before U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence Kahn.

46.   His appeal was filed before the presidential pardon.

47.   The report was expected to add weight to several appeals filed before the supreme court on Monday demanding that the decision not to indict Netanyahu be overturned.

48.   The sentences are to take into account charges of massive corruption filed before the same court.

49.   The appeals will be filed before the Supreme Court within four weeks, said lawyers representing Ershad.

50.   The charges were filed before a Frankfurt court, which will decide whether to put them on trial, said Job Tilmann, a spokesman for the Frankfurt prosecutor.

v. + before >>共 965
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go 4.33%
testify 3.59%
do 2.16%
say 1.93%
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stand 1.42%
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file + p. >>共 52
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on 2.26%
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