41.   The fight begins Wednesday at the House Budget Committee.

42.   The former college football player said he did not know why his friend, Shakur, suddenly started rushing toward Anderson and the fight began.

43.   The fight began at a topless bar where the troopers had been drinking.

44.   The fight began when catcher Chad Kreuter was allegedly struck in the back of the head by a fan and had his hat taken.

45.   The fight began when Flores, the Catholic archbishop in San Antonio, moved to expand St. Peter Church in Boerne.

46.   The fight began when P.F. Flores, the Catholic archbishop in San Antonio, moved to expand St. Peter Church, in a designated historic district in Boerne.

47.   The fights began after the funeral of a Palestinian youth who died in Israeli detention.

48.   The legal fights already have begun.

49.   The most serious fight began in January when the Legislature proposed an absolute limit on the number of appeals a death row inmate could file in state court.

50.   The pie fight began at the Thanksgiving meal that a moving company put on for its employees which Parker attended with his girlfriend.

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fight + v. >>共 306
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