41.   Littleproud said rules such as not feeding the animals must be obeyed at all times.

42.   Mahouts walk their elephants through tourist areas, selling bananas or other fruit to anyone who would like to feed the animals.

43.   Lysine is a crystalline amino acid used as an additive to grain used to feed animals.

44.   Officials are also looking at how the animals were fed, as contaminated bone and animal meal in cattle feed are believed to cause mad cow disease.

45.   The animal is fed through a large funnel placed in the gullet.

46.   The climate encouraged the growth of shrubs and small trees in great enough abundance to keep the elephant-like animals well fed.

47.   The group has complained that whatever small earnings they have are being used to feed the animals.

48.   To make hunting easier, gamekeepers feed the animals.

49.   When the mice were grown, the researchers showed that feeding the animals an antibiotic would cause the gene to shut down.

50.   While the animals were being fed, four elephants knocked down metal barriers and began walking through the neighborhood.

v. + animal >>共 669
kill 5.68%
use 2.77%
keep 2.74%
protect 2.53%
slaughter 2.33%
treat 1.89%
raise 1.75%
bring 1.72%
feed 1.49%
take 1.40%
feed + n. >>共 955
family 4.71%
child 3.04%
people 2.62%
information 1.90%
animal 1.61%
hungry 1.33%
baby 1.30%
bird 1.23%
datum 1.20%
ball 1.14%
每页显示:    共 51