41.   Given the imminent re-imposition of the tax, airlines that slashed prices earlier this week were probably trying to sell as many tickets as possible before fares increase.

42.   Higher jet fuel prices could bring more air fare increases on top of the big hikes already this year.

43.   If even one carrier decides not to match a general fare increase, the others will usually back down for fear of losing passengers.

44.   If, after a trial, the fare increase is still blocked, the state and the MTA would have several options.

45.   Immediately after the court decision was announced, transit officials unleashed a broad mobilization to prepare for the fare increase.

46.   In fact, the fare increase Conway proposed is part of a larger plan to get Pataki off the hook for mass-transit service in general.

47.   In the past, the government often blocked fare increases to curry public favor, executives said.

48.   Initially, airlines attributed their fare increases to higher landing fees at the new airport.

49.   Industry officials said, the next major battle might be over whether there should be a fare increase to pay for the safety improvements.

50.   It is also clear that the cost of increased security is going to be passed along to passengers in the form of fare increases, airport taxes and surcharges.

n. + increase >>共 778
price 16.58%
tax 14.67%
rate 14.20%
wage 6.76%
pay 3.98%
salary 2.58%
fare 1.69%
capital 1.60%
cost 1.30%
production 1.27%
fare + n. >>共 129
increase 24.18%
sale 9.48%
war 7.84%
hike 6.05%
structure 5.88%
cut 3.27%
card 2.45%
discount 2.29%
box 1.80%
reduction 1.63%
每页显示:    共 147