41.   The dentist said he only would fill a cavity in a hospital, where he could take extra precautions against possible exposure to blood.

42.   The extra precautions have been taken to respond to an unusual confluence of events that has many anti-terrorist experts worried.

43.   The government has also ordered extra precautions at airports and ports, but security is made difficult because it is not clear what the potential targets are.

44.   The General Motors Corp. issued a memorandum on Wednesday warning its expatriate staff in China to take extra precautions in the coming days.

45.   The Navy spokesman said no restrictions on postal mail, but extra precautions are in effect with more scanning and X-raying being done.

46.   The string of sexual attacks in Jackson Heights terrified the neighborhood and caused children to bunch up when going to school and take extra precautions when leaving their houses.

47.   This time, though, Miller is taking extra precautions.

48.   To get through the end of year, extra precautions are needed to avoid violating federal health standards for carbon-monoxide pollution, Peplau said.

49.   While parents of young children take extra precautions when it comes to safety, the threat of violent death actually is highest for teen-agers and young adults.

a. + precaution >>共 153
extra 16.71%
special 9.86%
necessary 6.29%
simple 4.29%
proper 4.14%
additional 2.86%
sensible 2.86%
adequate 2.57%
extraordinary 2.29%
reasonable 2.14%
extra + n. >>共 1010
money 5.38%
time 5.18%
security 2.39%
cost 2.33%
day 2.22%
point 2.13%
cash 1.55%
police 1.30%
charge 1.28%
inning 1.24%
precaution 0.78%
每页显示:    共 116