41.   Volvo and Mitsubishi cooperate on developing and producing cars and the two companies are now doing a study to see if the co-operation may extended to include trucks.

42.   Zappa asked the restraining order be extended to include her mother, sister, two brothers, and a male friend.

43.   A commission spokesman in Brussels said it was too early to say if the cull would have to be extended to include offspring of at-risk cattle.

44.   An emergency cross-ticketing agreement between Eurotunnel and British ferry company P and O has been extended to include Stena Line.

45.   But legislators fear that in Hong Kong, it could be extended to include almost any act by the Chinese government.

46.   But the US calls for the international embargo to be extended to include a total oil embargo were rejected by its major allies.

47.   Whether that immunity extends to other countries, including Britain, will be for the British government to decide.

48.   With further investment, production would be rapidly extended to include Bayer brand veterinary products for sale to chicken and pig farmers, the announcement said.

49.   Its mandate was extended to include other border areas in December.

50.   It was extended to include contingents from non-ECOWAS African nations after Taylor refused to disarm to it in its initial shape following clashes.

v. + include >>共 371
be 28.92%
expand 20.43%
broaden 3.47%
extend 3.34%
widen 2.48%
kill 0.99%
injure 0.80%
enlarge 0.80%
discuss 0.68%
retransmit 0.62%
extend + v. >>共 93
include 23.68%
cover 17.11%
accommodate 2.63%
help 2.63%
finance 2.19%
give 1.75%
allow 1.32%
pend 1.32%
provide 1.32%
reach 1.32%
每页显示:    共 54