41.   The industry is exempt from paying tariffs on imported raw materials and components as long as the final products are exported.

42.   The restrictions that people are talking about, trying to police the content and trying to control exporting the products, are not helpful.

43.   The trade privilege allows Chinese companies to export products to the U.S. under normal low tariffs.

44.   The trade privileges under the General System of Preferences program allow developing nations to export selected products to the U.S. with zero tariffs.

45.   These companies export products such as airplane parts used by U.S.-based Boeing Co.

46.   U.S. law prohibits the import of goods made by convict labor, and China denies that it exports products of its prison system.

47.   Vietnam is also strongly encouraging foreign-invested factories to export their products, sometimes by including export requirements in investment licenses.

48.   Wyden said the agreement, as written, contains no prohibitions against exporting tobacco products overseas, often to nations with no restrictions on smoking.

49.   Products were exported to international markets, mainly the United States, South America, the Indian subcontinent and Japan.

50.   Philips exports products to the Far East, Asia, North and South America and also Europe.

v. + product >>共 480
sell 12.51%
make 5.17%
buy 4.16%
market 3.76%
develop 3.59%
use 3.34%
introduce 1.94%
promote 1.84%
distribute 1.83%
produce 1.64%
export 1.62%
export + n. >>共 477
oil 9.00%
product 8.84%
goods 4.09%
way 3.66%
amount 2.10%
quantity 1.83%
market 1.67%
most 1.67%
technology 1.51%
crude 1.19%
每页显示:    共 163