41.   New Cop backs this up with plenty of documentary footage, mostly of friendly cops patiently explaining things to minor criminals.

42.   One important thing was not explained.

43.   People turn to religion to explain things like that.

44.   Rodman has his own unique way of explaining things.

45.   She said the most concrete benefit she had seen is people asking each other how they were going to explain things like presidential infidelity to their children.

46.   Some of his players, including Brian Leetch and Mark Messier, took the long view, explaining things in calm, analytical ways.

47.   Some things cannot be explained.

48.   Talbott has told the Senate intelligence committee that he explained things fully.

49.   The handicap of all that is the necessity to just hit the high points of a topic and to explain things that many of you already know.

50.   The real test of faith is not how such things are explained but how they are endured.

v. + thing >>共 753
do 21.74%
have 5.71%
say 4.61%
see 3.66%
change 1.80%
take 1.72%
know 1.58%
get 1.52%
keep 1.35%
learn 1.26%
explain 0.40%
explain + n. >>共 1380
decision 3.64%
reason 3.51%
difference 2.29%
action 2.25%
situation 1.97%
position 1.75%
discrepancy 1.29%
problem 1.25%
thing 1.14%
phenomenon 1.02%
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