41.   The Air Force faces a serious shortage of experienced pilots, and it may take a decade to correct the problem, a top defense planner said.

42.   The procedure is done so infrequently, the board said, that it should be assigned only to the most experienced pilots.

43.   The trend is most pronounced at regional carriers like ASA, which constantly lose experienced pilots to major airlines that offer better pay and benefits.

44.   Those graduating from a four-month instructor course at Randolph are experienced pilots who will train new pilots.

45.   U.S. lawmakers propose doubling the bonus for experienced pilots who stay in the military in an effort to head off a potential pilot shortage.

46.   While the malfunctions could be obvious to an experienced pilot, they could also take forms that are harder to detect, Lt. Col. Perry said.

47.   Airport manager Peter Tiefenbrunner told The Austria Press Agency that two men were experienced pilots.

48.   Both men were experienced pilots and weather conditions were ideal for gliding, with blue skies and no wind, she said.

49.   Experienced pilots say such an occurrence is extremely rare for civilian aircraft -- and extremely unforgiving.

50.   Experienced pilots say such an occurrence is extremely rare for civilian aircraft -- and very unforgiving.

a. + pilot >>共 548
american 7.74%
the 6.00%
chinese 3.76%
former 2.79%
navy 2.36%
experienced 2.33%
french 2.33%
military 2.27%
missing 1.99%
commercial 1.81%
experienced + n. >>共 823
player 4.18%
pilot 2.89%
hand 1.56%
team 1.48%
worker 1.37%
teacher 1.37%
people 1.29%
manager 1.18%
lawyer 1.10%
driver 1.06%
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