41.   Utahans want to see some IOC members expelled.

42.   A Russian-brokered agreement last month eased a three-week crisis touched off after Iraq expelled American members of the weapons teams.

43.   After Iraq expelled American members of the inspection team last fall, the Russians recommended a reorganization of UNSCOM to broaden its international composition.

44.   An IOC panel in Lausanne, Switzerland, was considering whether to expel members in the biggest corruption scandal in Olympic history.

45.   Another official newspaper, the China Daily, said Thursday that the IOC must do more than expel members to prevent corruption scandals from erupting again.

46.   Another would be to expel IOC members who accept such gifts.

47.   As the IOC prepares to expel members and overhaul the bidding and voting process, the six candidates are wondering how the shakeup will affect their strategies.

48.   But IOC members were elusive as the general assembly devoted most of its time to expelling six members for corruption and centering on much-needed reform.

49.   Butler suspended U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq last week after Baghdad ordered him to expel American members of his team.

50.   Critics say the amendment, which allows party leaders to expel members who stray from the party line, prohibits members from voting according to their conscience.

v. + member >>共 634
include 6.76%
arrest 3.73%
kill 3.60%
have 3.22%
meet 2.03%
appoint 1.73%
say 1.34%
recruit 1.32%
lose 1.28%
expel 1.13%
expel + n. >>共 305
member 8.78%
diplomat 6.39%
student 4.55%
refugee 2.62%
thousand 2.39%
foreigner 2.31%
worker 2.00%
people 1.93%
immigrant 1.85%
journalist 1.85%
每页显示:    共 113